Link Collection: December 2024
Table of Contents
Welcome to the November 2024 edition of the Link Collection! This month’s collection features an exciting mix of open-source tools, thought-provoking books, and technical guides. From leadership strategies to hands-on tutorials, there’s something here for everyone.
Projects #
juanfont/headscale #
An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server
silverbulletmd/silverbullet #
The knowledge tinkerer’s notebook. Contribute to silverbulletmd/silverbullet development by creating an account on GitHub.
sirupsen/zk #
Zettelkasten on the command-line 📚 🔍. Contribute to sirupsen/zk development by creating an account on GitHub.
foambubble/foam #
A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
Monica #
Monica lets you remember everything about your loved ones.
Books #
Fake #
Robert Kiyosaki has built a legacy around simplifying complex and often-confusing subjects like money and investing. He continues to challenge conventional wisdom and asks the questions that will help readers sift through today’s information overload to uncover ways to assess what’s real… and what isn’t. And use truth and facts as a foundation for taking control of their financial lives. In this new book―that will be released, by chapter, online to invite reader feedback and questions that will be included in the print and e-book editions―Robert fights what’s ‘fake’ and helps readers differentiate between what’s real…and what isn’t.
ISBN: 9781612680842
Buy on AmazonThe Missing README #
Key concepts and best practices for new software engineers — stuff critical to your workplace success that you weren’t taught in school. For new software engineers, knowing how to program is only half the battle. You’ll quickly find that many of the skills and processes key to your success are not taught in any school or bootcamp. The Missing README fills in that gap—a distillation of workplace lessons, best practices, and engineering fundamentals that the authors have taught rookie developers at top companies for more than a decade.
ISBN: 9781718501836
Buy on AmazonBuilding a Second Brain #
“One of my favorite books of the year. It completely reshaped how I think about information and how and why I take notes.” —Daniel Pink, bestselling author of Drive A revolutionary approach to enhancing productivity, creating flow, and vastly increasing your ability to capture, remember, and benefit from the unprecedented amount of information all around us. For the first time in history, we have instantaneous access to the world’s knowledge. There has never been a better time to learn, to contribute, and to improve ourselves. Yet, rather than feeling empowered, we are often left feeling overwhelmed by this constant influx of information. The very knowledge that was supposed to set us free has instead led to the paralyzing stress of believing we’ll never know or remember enough.
ISBN: 9781982167387
Buy on AmazonThe 5 Choices #
Every day brings a crushing wave of demands a barrage of texts, emails, interruptions, meetings, phone calls, tweets, blogs not to mention the high pressure demands of our jobs is overwhelming and exhausting. The sheer number of distractions threaten our ability to think clearly and make good decisions. If we react to these stimuli, moving mindlessly from one task to another, we will fail to accomplish the things that matter most in our professional and personal lives. In this book, readers will learn how to make the five fundamental choices that will increase their ability to achieve what matters most to them.
ISBN: 9781476711829
Buy on AmazonThe Pomodoro Technique #
Francesco Cirillo developed his famed system for improving productivity as a college student thirty years ago. Using a kitchen timer shaped like a pomodoro (Italian for tomato), Cirillo divided the time he spent working on a project into 25-minute intervals, with 5-minute breaks in between, in order to get more done, without interruptions. By grouping a number of pomodoros together, users can tackle a project of any length, and drastically improve their productivity, enhance their focus, and better achieve their goals.
ISBN: 9781524760700
Buy on AmazonGeneral #
Surgical Reading: How to Read 12 Books at Once #
Surgical reading is a process I use when reading non-fiction books. I focus on locating and removing the most valuable pieces of information. This allows me to read many different books across a single topic at once.
How I Cured My Procrastination - Learn How To Learn #
I went from a C student to an A engineering student while enjoying work more and having 100x more freedom TLDR (because I also hate digging through articles for the thing I clicked for): When I went to college I did extremely poorly sophomore year for numerous reasons, mostly being lazy an
10 Real-Life Reasons Why SCRUM Fails in Software Development #
Discover 10 real-world examples showing why SCRUM can be a hindrance in software development, from daily stand-ups to sprint planning chaos.
Letters from BBC Television Licensing/intro #
From the beginning of 2006, I decided not to renew my television licence. I found that my television viewing consisted almost entirely of tapes of old programmes purchased off Ebay, and that my watching of broadcast television was less than an hour a week. I therefore decided to stop watching broadcast television, and I today spend the £159 saved from the TV licence fee on video tapes and DVDs. It is a good decision; I now pay for what I watch, and not for what I don’t watch.
You Can’t See Me, But I Can Make You Rich #
The rise of Faceless Accounts on Instagram
Management #
Solving staffing challenges with concentric circles #
Instead of resolving from the top down, start with the inside out.
My 8 Best Techniques for Evaluating Character #
These methods have helped me enormously—and can save you much heartache and anxiety
How Your Manager’s Growth Potential and Willingness to Share Power Affects Your Career Trajectory #
Are you fighting for scope with your manager? Is he keeping all the credit? Learn what types of managers are best for career growth and what to do if you’re stuck.
Management #
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being”. It’s a combination of the words “iki”, meaning “life”, and “gai”, meaning “worth”. Ikigai is similar to the French term “raison d’etre”, which is the most important reason or purpose for someone or something’s existence.
Why It’s Easier to Manage 4 People Than It Is to Manage 1 Person #
It’s easier to manage 4 people than it is to manage one person. The primary reason for this is the inherent over-reliance in the relationship between a manager and a single report. Let’s dive deeper.
Guides #
Learn about Red Hat Confidential Virtual Machines #
RHEL aims to support the emerging Confidential Virtual Machines (CVM) use-case by enabling the hardware technologies such as AMD SEV-SNP and Intel TDX as well as adding support to the software stack.
A Simple ELF - The Ivory Tower #
The Ivory Tower is a blog about software engineering and development philosophy by Anders Sundman.
DIY — UniFi Security Surveillance System Setup #
In this article, I’ll discuss setting up an enterprise-grade network security surveillance system with UniFi (Ubiquiti), which has…
How to configure Borg client on macOS using command-line — Sun Knudsen #
How to configure Borg client on macOS using command-line
How to build your first web application with Go #
How to Build Your First Web Application with Go